Tricky psychological secrets of Tik Tok used by bloggers

Tricky psychological secrets of Tik Tok used by bloggers

Create suspense at the beginning of the video

Intrigue is a tip that works very well in Tik Tok. For the algorithm to deem your video interesting, the user has to watch it for at least three seconds, and preferably until the end. Therefore, it is important to intrigue the viewer!
In this example, the photographer shows how to take a beautiful photo, but first shows the photo for a few seconds on the cover. The user sees that the result is beautiful and decides to watch the video in full.

Tik Tok's 'Use that sound' trick

To engage the audience, bloggers suggest interacting with a profile or video. You've definitely come across videos in Tik Tok "Quickly click through the sound", "Use that sound, that's what gets everyone in the rivers". The user clicks on the sound and shows the platform that it was your video that prompted them to switch to watch other videos. Just don't be fooled by your audience, share really interesting sounds.
Here's an example of using a similar technique! The blogger turns on the sound with camera clicks and watches the reaction of his friend who starts embarrassing himself or posing for a photo.

A "click to subscribe and ..." joke that you can use to engage your audience

Another working Tik Tok tip for audience engagement is to offer to go to your profile, click 'Subscribe' and watch your avatar. Most people actually go, subscribe and observe the photo, raising profile activity. Why do they do that? Because they're curious, curious to see what happens.
Put a gif on your avatar that will actually change in a few seconds. You can create a similar avatar with an animation for Tik Tok in the Canva editor, save the design in MP4 format.

The "Sign up and become as successful as me..." effect.

This Tik Tok trick is used by successful marketers, SMM specialists, and designers. It usually starts with the fact that no one believed in the blogger, but he did - and then the list of merits. The audience instantly believes in the success of such a blogger and "gets hooked".
A person enters his profile, subscribes and can even immediately buy a guide, a webinar or sign up for a marathon. And that's just because of one selling video. If you don't have impressive credentials, you can list your usual accomplishments related to this field. That's a Tic Tac tip on how you can get clients fast.

Tik Tok Toc Lifecycle "See it through."

If you write "Watch to the end" under each video, all these videos will actually be watched in their entirety. Just don't use this Tik Tok trick as a cheat, there has to be some result or action at the end that the viewer is waiting for. In that case, you'll get likes and subscriptions.

Evoke positive emotions, not negative ones.

Why do people come to Tik Tok? To relax and get emotional. Causing with your videos joy, pleasant surprise, a desire to do something good again. People need positive emotions, give them that.
Smile on your videos, broadcast good vibes in Tic Toc - such a simple tip tip to get more attention from your audience.

The more people in the video, the more views

Audiences perceive videos with multiple people much better than solitary ones. Videos with parents, younger siblings, brothers, grandmothers, friends are particularly well received these days. Top bloggers know about this secret of Tik Tok and actively use it, which is why they team up in hawses.

The Tik Tok tips listed above will actually help you to gain an audience quickly, but only if you don't break the rules.